End of School!
Well, the first school year is complete, and everyone is definitely relieved! The girls all thought it unfair that their friends back in the U.S. were done with school at least 3 weeks before they were, but finally they have finished final exams and made it through the end of the year. DD#3 had to go one day longer than her two older sisters, but next year they'll all be in the secondary school and all be done with classes on the same day. Of course, by then, DD#1 will have to go back on the last day anyway - to graduate!
Everyone did well at the awards assemblies. DD#1 got a nice crystal globe trophy for being named the most improved student in the 11th grade. This is because when she arrived at the beginning of the year, all the other students already had class rank based on their previous years at the school, so she was ranked last. She ended up in 3rd place, so that makes her most improved! She also got a citizenship award and the best German as a foreign language award, so she was pleased. DD#2 got the top award in ITC, which is computing. She also got an award for the math competition she was in and finished well. DD#3 got top marks in art as well as a silver and bronze award for gym. The report cards are in yet, but we've seen most of the final grades online and they look pretty good overall. So, I'd say it was a pretty successful year for them all.
All three girls have already begun their summer reading lists. The school requires two books for each of them and recommends several more. Mom requires several additional ones, including essays to be written on what they've read in the next few weeks. In fact, "Mom School" this summer is all about reading, writing, and a little German practice. Except for DD#1, who is relieved that she is done w/her high school language requirements. She just found out she passed her AP Spanish exam, too, so she's happy not to have to think about German or Spanish next year.
It's hard to believe that we now have a 7th grader, 9th grader, and a high school senior in our house. This is the beginning of the end for us in terms of our life with three school-aged children at home. By this time next year, dd#1 will be a high school graduate, a rising college freshman, and hopefully preparing to enter one of the schools she's most enthusiastic about. She's hoping to spend 3 weeks in Australia at this time next year, as part of dh's company's exchange program, which will make her summer short and even more crazy next year. But, it should also be an incredible life experience just before entering college. Yes, things will be very different by this time next year, so we'll have to be sure to enjoy each moment in the coming 12 months.
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